Our aim in ensuring that the Children/Youths of who we minister will become committed Christians who take responsibility for their lives, their communities, and their world. Safeguarding the lives of children is the cornerstone of society, and transformation must begin with them.
Faith Family Foundation in the USA and Luketekelo Family Foundation in Zambia have partnered to work together in transforming the lives of children and homeless families in both countries.
The name “Faith” came because everything we do is done by faith. We believe that it is by grace we have been saved through faith. This is not our own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of our works and that the Bible is God’s unique revelation to mankind, inspired, infallible, and living word of God. As such it is the supreme and final authority and without error in what it teaches and affirms. No other writings are vested with such power and final authority.